All about the pies: National Pie Day and Australia Day are here.
National Pie Day and Australia Day have arrived and we have news about our supertasty Afghan
biscuits which still taste the same great way but which have had a bit of a name change.
Australia Day
It’s here again: Australia Day is on Tuesday, January 26 th ! It’s the official national day of Australia
and marks the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson in New South Wales in 1788. Thankfully, over the years, it has become to mean more than that and is now a
culturally diverse celebration of all that’s great about Australia.
Here in the States, Aussies celebrate it by getting together with other Aussies and having a beer or two and getting in some Aussie pies and treats. You might even find a New Zealander or two in the mix as well.
If you are ordering food for Australia Day, do it on now to make sure your order
arrives on time. New Yorkers can use the Mercato site to order and don’t forget we have also launched our sweet new sister site which has treats from Down Under on it as well as our legendary DUB Pies coffee.
We wanted to share some info with you on one of our most popular biscuits: the Rough, or the Afghan as it has always been known. This is a traditional New Zealand cookie and is very popular back home. We New Zealanders tend to do the sweet stuff pretty well as you may have noticed. (“Your savory pies and rolls are also bloody amazing!” we hear you shout. Which is a very fair point.)
The Afghan cookie is usually made with flour, butter, corn flakes, sugar and cocoa powder and then
topped with chocolate icing and a half walnut. We use a traditional, home-made recipe to make ours,
resulting in a biscuit that is a little bit bitter (the cocoa) but also sweetly offset by the chocolate icing.
It’s smooth and quite dense but also quite crunchy thanks to the corn flakes. So it kind of has it all!
Then, this year Griffin’s Food Company, a big New Zealand snack producer, who do a commercial
version of the Afghan, changed its name to the ‘Rough’. They did this in the wake of the Black Lives
Matter movement as there had been controversy over the name ‘Afghan’ being a possible reference to the 19th century Anglo-Afghan Wars. Others say it’s called an Afghan because it has a rough texture similar to the landscape of Afghanistan.
Anyway, the point is we decided to change it to the Rough too. New name, same taste!
National Pie Day
And lastly if Australia Day isn’t enough to get you eating tasty savory pies, National Pie Day is on Saturday, January 23rd ! If you want to be part of it – and honestly why on earth wouldn’t you? – we
recommend . . . eh . . . eating pies! Have a happie one!
To find out more about the DUB Pies online ordering service, go here.
For New York-only deliveries, check out our Mercato site here.
And for DUB coffee beans, sweet treats and other packaged goods from Australia and New Zealand,
go to our new sister site.